13.11.22 15:00

Atölye Lideri: Necati ARPACI

Yaş Grubu: 8 -12 Yaş Katılımcı Sayısı: 20 Kişi Süre: 90 dk.

In the workshop, we make our own puppets using materials taken from nature and animate them in an improvised story that we fictionalised.

On behalf of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, Bursa Culture Art and Tourism Foundation and with the ASSITEJ Turkey supports we have the pleasure to inform you that the 26th Bursa International Theater Festival for Children and Youth will take place on 12-17 November 2021 in Bursa, Turkey. 

The goal is, “to create an international cultural and artistic arena based on Children and Youth Theaters with communication and sharing", which will include seminars, debates and similar events as well as in previous years’ festivals.