Tayyare Kültür Merkezi - Küçük Salon
Leader: Prof. Dr. Tülin Sağlam
Since theater for children is performed by adults and is shaped by adults’ perception
of childhood, it often has difficulty communicating with new generations. One
of the most obvious indicators of this is the abundance of taboos in this field. Many
important issues in a child’s life are not take a part on the stage. What are the issues
that adults consider dangerous for the child of this period and make them taboo?
How does the existence of taboos affect communication with the audience? What
should be done?
Let’s talk together and think about solutions.
On behalf of Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, Bursa Culture Art and Tourism Foundation and with the ASSITEJ Turkey supports we have the pleasure to inform you that the 27th Bursa International Theater Festival for Children and Youth will take place on 11-16 November 2023 in Bursa, Turkey.