Tayyare Kültür Merkezi
17.12.2021 11:00 / 14:00
Tayyare Cultural Center
For Age 6+ Language Bulgarian Duration 50 min
Through theprism of theJapanesecultureandthetechniques of theTakedaMarionettes, youhavetheopportunitytoseethestory of Ume. No oneknowswhoUme is andwhyshe is carrying a hugebowlforrice on her head. OnlyItharou, theShogun‘syoungest son, doesn‘tmakefun of her andbecomes her friend. Theyfacedifferentobstacles, lookingfor how to break thespell of thebowl. ThejourneyleadsthemthroughchoiceswhereUmeandItharoushowkindness, honesty, anddevotion. Educationalandtrue, thisstoryteaches us thatourhappinessdepends on ourselves. Enjoytheprecisionandbeauty of JapanesePuppet Theater andsee how therealandpurelove can openanydoor!
WritenBy - Based on TheJapanese Folktale “HimeWithTheBig Hat”
DirectedBy - LyubomiraKostova
Puppet Player - Dimitra Popova, Radostina Kozhuharova, Georgi-Manoel Dımitrov, Svetoslav Tiholov, Angel Kalev